The FrizzLit Podcast
Episode 10: Chris Lydgate on Mozart and dumpster diving

Episode 10: Chris Lydgate on Mozart and dumpster diving

The leader of the upcoming Mozart club talks about what to expect. Plus "Dune," "To the Lighthouse," and the character in "Middlemarch" named Lydgate
Chris Lydgate is leading the upcoming Mozart club. This Monday night Zoom class meets in May and June. Join us.

Click here to join the club

  • Meets 8 times for 2 hours each

  • All meetings recorded and emailed automatically to club members

  • No book to buy

  • No reading assignments

  • Just stories about Mozart’s life, insights about his work, and lots of group listening

    Kathryn Rathke, the artist who created this portrait of Mozart, will be in Lydgate’s club. Kathryn was our previous guest on the podcast.

Next up!!

Rebecca Brown is leading a club reading "Billy Budd" and other stories by Melville.

Young Herman Melville. Art by Kathryn Rathke

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The FrizzLit Podcast
Chris Frizzelle and Jake Rummel have conversations about literature, pop culture, & snacks.