
Symphony of Sentences

Flannery O'Connor's "Everything that Rises Must Converge" and "The Enduring Chill"

We wore interesting hats to book club yesterday, in light of the plot of “Everything That Rises Must Converge,” a short story by Flannery O’Connor that won a first place O. Henry Award in 1963.

Later in our meeting yesterday — after we learned about Flannery’s time at the Iowa Writers Workshop, and her friendships with people like Robert Lowell — we did a second Symphony, for the story “The Enduring Chill.”

I had never read “The Enduring Chill” — all hail

for adding it to our reading list!

Quarantine Book Club book plates

In the video above — between the two symphonies — I included information about how you can get your hands on one of the original Quarantine Book Club book plates, back from when these book clubs first started in 2020.

If you want to put one in each of the book club books we read… well, that’s what I’m doing!

By popular demand, Kathryn is printing up a new batch, and generously pricing them low enough just to cover expenses.

Illustrated by Kathryn Rathke, designed by Corianton Hale

They are $5 for the first one, and $3 for each one after that.

To order, email kathrynrathke@gmail.com.

Thank you,


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